Orleans County DSS Holding Poster Contest to Raise Awareness of Human Trafficking

The Orleans County Department of Social Services’ Safe Harbour Program is holding a poster contest for students in grades 7-12 to raise awareness on the issue ofPSA Contest Final.1.19.24 human trafficking.  The theme is “Spot the Signs – Stop the Traffick.”

Posters should be at least 8.5 by 11 inches and should include red flags, vulnerabilities, warning signs and myths about sex trafficking.  Submissions are due by 5pm on February 15 and should be brought to the Orleans County Administration Building located at 14016 Rt 31 in Albion.

The first prize winner will receive a Play Station 5; second prize is a Nintendo Switch Lite; and third prize is an ONN Tablet.

The Safe Harbour program is designed to be a safe place for young people between 12-18 years of age. In addition to providing education and awareness, Safe Harbour provides lessons in life skills to promote a strong foundation to help children launch into their future.  

For more information on the poster contest or the Safe Harbour program, please contact Heather Jackson at 585-589-2837 or email SafeHarbour@orleanscountyny.gov.